Society for Book Research in Austria

The Society for Book Research in Austria is the only such institution in this country which deals with book history. Its aim is to promote in-depth research on the book trade in Austria and to co-ordinate study in the field as well as to keep a running bibliography of new publications and point to deficits in book history scholarship. The focus of interest comprises the entire territory of the Habsburg Monarchy up until the year 1918 (in Austria and the successor states) as well as the First and Second Republics, from the Early Modern Age on up to the present day. This multitude of interests also covers a variety of aspects, from writers and readers, from book production to book distribution, printers, booksellers, publishers, libraries, censorship, etc. on to actual printed works themselves - books, newspapers, periodicals, sheet music, maps and charts, posters and so on. The Society would like to see itself as an advisor to scholars outside Austria. It provides bibliographical information and is willing to provide assistance during a stay in Austria. Furthermore, it is interested in cooperating with similar institutions abroad.

A newsletter ("Mitteilungen") is published twice a year to keep members informed of the society\'s activities in the form of articles, reviews, reports on research projects and bibliographies of recent publications on book research in Austria.

The annual membership fee from 2014 for regular members is € 30. The fee for students is € 20 and for universities and institutes it is € 36. Sponsors from € 72.


IBAN: AT72 1200 0006 0177 9408. BIC/SWIFT: BKAUATWW

© 2025 Gesellschaft für Buchforschung in Österreich